Interactive Readings
Reading social theory is no easy task. To make things easier, we have made abbreviated excerpts of select passages more interactive by linking key phrases or words to additional content, such as definitions, examples, and interesting web content. These interactive readings extend the vision of Social Theory Re-Wired by helping make challenging theoretical ideas more relevant and understandable to today.
Emergence Through Convergence
Elementary Forms
Emergence Through Convergence
Studies in Ethnomethodology
Emergence Through Convergence
Networks of Capital
Forms of Capital
Networks of Capital
Black Marxism
Networks of Capital
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Pathway to Meltdown
Modernity and the Holocaust
Pathway to Meltdown
Toward a Rational Society
Pathway to Meltdown
Souls of Black Folk
Shifting the Paradigm
Black Feminist Thought
Shifting the Paradigm
Postcolonial Thought and Social Theory
Shifting the Paradigm
Rise of the Avatar
The Stranger
Rise of the Avatar
Gender Trouble
Rise of the Avatar